Behavioral Design Patterns:
Chain of Responsibility Motivation In writing an application of any kind, it often happens that the event generated by one object needs to be handled by another one. And, to make our work even harder, we also happen to be denied access to the object which needs to handle the event. In this case there are two possibilities: there is the beginner/lazy approach of making everything public, creating reference to every object and continuing from there and then there is the expert approach of using the Chain of Responsibility. The Chain of Responsibility design pattern allows an object to send a command without knowing what object will receive and handle it. The request is sent from one object to another making them parts of a chain and each object in this chain can handle the command, pass it on or do both. The most usual example of a machine using the Chain of Responsibility is the vending machine coin slot: rather than having a slot for each type of coin, the machine has only one slot for all of them. The dropped coin is routed to the appropriate storage place that is determined by the receiver of the command. Intent: - It avoids attaching the sender of a request to its receiver, giving this way other objects the possibility of handling the request too. - The objects become parts of a chain and the request is sent from one object to another across the chain until one of the objects will handle it. Implementation The UML diagram of classes below will help us understand better the way the Chain works. ![]() In the diagram above some explanations are needed on what is the role of every class: - Handler - defines an interface for handling requests - RequestHandler: - handles the requests it is responsible for - If it can handle the request it does so, otherwise it sends the request to its successor - Client - sends commands to the first object in the chain that may handle the command Here is how sending a request works in the application using the Chain of Responsibility: the Client in need of a request to be handled sends it to the chain of handlers, which are classes that extend the Handler class. Each of the handlers in the chain takes its turn at trying to handle the request it receives from the client. If ConcreteHandler_i can handle it, then the request is handled, if not it is sent to the handler ConcreteHandler_i+1, the next one in the chain. The classic example of the Chain of Responsibility's implementation is presented for us below: public class Request { private int m_value; private String m_description; public Request(String description, int value) { m_description = description; m_value = value; } public int getValue() { return m_value; } public String getDescription() { return m_description; } } public abstract class Handler { protected Handler m_successor; public void setSuccessor(Handler successor) { m_successor = successor; } public abstract void handleRequest(Request request); } public class ConcreteHandlerOne extends Handler { public void handleRequest(Request request) { if (request.getValue() < 0) { //if request is eligible handle it System.out.println("Negative values are handled by ConcreteHandlerOne:"); System.out.println("\tConcreteHandlerOne.HandleRequest : " + request.getDescription() + request.getValue()); } // if not else super.handleRequest(request); } } public class ConcreteHandlerThree extends Handler{ public void handleRequest(Request request) { if (request.getValue() >= 0) { //if request is eligible handle it System.out.println("Zero values are handled by ConcreteHandlerThree:"); System.out.println("\tConcreteHandlerThree.HandleRequest : " + request.getDescription() + request.getValue()); } // if not else super.handleRequest(request); } } public class ConcreteHandlerTwo extends Handler{ public void handleRequest(Request request) { if (request.getValue() > 0) { //if request is eligible handle it System.out.println("Positive values are handled by ConcreteHandlerTwo:"); System.out.println("\tConcreteHandlerTwo.HandleRequest : " + request.getDescription() + request.getValue()); } // if not else super.handleRequest(request); } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // Setup Chain of Responsibility Handler h1 = new ConcreteHandlerOne(); Handler h2 = new ConcreteHandlerTwo(); Handler h3 = new ConcreteHandlerThree(); h1.setSuccessor(h2); h2.setSuccessor(h3); // Send requests to the chain h1.handleRequest(new Request("Negative Value ", -1)); h1.handleRequest(new Request("Negative Value ", 0)); h1.handleRequest(new Request("Negative Value ", 1)); h1.handleRequest(new Request("Negative Value ", 2)); h1.handleRequest(new Request("Negative Value ", -5)); } } Applicability & Examples Having so many design patterns to choose from when writing an application, it's hard to decide on which one to use, so here are a few situations when using the Chain of Responsibility is more effective: - More than one object can handle a command - The handler is not known in advance - The handler should be determined automatically - It’s wished that the request is addressed to a group of objects without explicitly specifying its receiver - The group of objects that may handle the command must be specified in a dynamic way Here are some real situations in which the Chain of Responsibility is used: Example 1 In designing the software for a system that approves the purchasing requests. In this case, the values of purchase are divided into categories, each having its own approval authority. The approval authority for a given value could change at any time and the system should be flexible enough to handle the situation. The Client in the example above is the system in need of the answer to the approval. It sends a request about it to an purchase approval authority. Depending on the value of the purchase, this authority may approve the request or forward it to the next authority in the chain. For example let’s say a request is placed for the purchase of a new keyboard for an office. The value of the purchase is not that big, so the request is sent from the head of the office to the head of the department and then to the materials department where it stops, being handled locally. But if equipment for the whole department is needed then the request goes form the head of the department, to materials department, to the purchase office and even to the manager if the value is too big. Example 2 In designing the software that uses a set of GUI classes where it is needed to propagate GUI events from one object to another. When a event, such as the pressing of a key or the click of the mouse, the event is needed to be sent to the object that has generated it and also to the object or objects that will handle it. The Client is, of course, the object that has generated the event, the request is the event and the handlers are the objects that can handle it. So, if we have a handler for the click of the mouse, a handler for the pressing of the ‘Enter’ key and a handler for the pressing of the ‘Delete’ key, that is the chain of handlers that take care of the events that are generated. Example 3 In designing a shipping system for electronic orders. The steps to complete and handle the order differs form one order to another based on the customer, the size of the order, the way of shipment, destination and more other reasons. The business logic changes also as special cases appear, needing the system to be able to handle all cases. The Client, the electronic order in process, requests shipping based on a set of pieces of information. Its request is turned by the system into a specific form, combining the steps to completing and the details of handling, based on the input information. The system will send this type of request through a chain of order-handlers until the input information that it comes with matches the input the order-handles takes. When special cases appear, all that is needed is a new handler to be added in the chain. Specific problems and implementation The classic implementation of the Chain of Responsibility is just the first step in applying the pattern to our own application. Improvements based on the type of commands we are handling are needed, in order to make the use of this pattern effective. · Representing requests In real life each handler represents a system. And each system can handle specific requests or requests common to more handlers. We should take this issue in consideration when we implement this pattern. In the classical samples of the CoR found on the net you can see that the request is generally represented by an integer. Of course in real life we can not use primary data types as a request. A clever design should be a flexible one. The best solution here is to create an interface a super class Request (or and interface) where to the default behavior. Then if we need to add a new handler and a specific request all we need is to extend the Request base class. Of course this is not the only approach. Let’s consider the shipping system example. Each request will have to contain a large amount of data. Creating request examples for this might be difficult. We can take some xml objects containing the data, generated during the application flow (let’s assume we already have the code implemented for that) and pass them to each handler. Or since the data was already saved in the database (let’s assume that also) we can pass only the id’s of the involved objects and then each handler will take the data required from db. · Unhandled requests Unfortunately, the Chain doesn't guarantee that every command is handled, which makes the problem worse, since unhandled commands propagate through the full length of the chain, slowing down the application. One way to solve this is by checking if, at the end of the chain, the request has been handled at least once, otherwise we will have to implement handlers for all the possible requests that may appear. · Broken Chain Sometimes we could forget to include in the implementation of the handleRequest method the call to the successor, causing a break in the chain. The request isn’t sent forward from the broken link and so it ends up unhandled. A variation of the pattern can be made to send the request to all the handlers by removing the condition from the handler and always calling the successor. The following implementation eliminates the Broken Chain problem. The implementation moves the code to traverse the chain into the base class keeping the request handling in a different method in the subclasses. The handleRequest method is declared as final in the base class and is responsible to traverse the chain. Each Handler have to implement the handleRequestImpl method, declared as abstract in the super class. public abstract class Handler { private Handler m_successor; public void setSuccessor(Handler successor) { m_successor = successor; } protected abstract boolean handleRequestImpl(Request request); public final void handleRequest(Request request) { boolean handledByThisNode = this.handleRequestImpl(request); if (m_successor != null && !handledByThisNode) m_successor.handleRequest(request); } } protected boolean handleRequestImpl(Request request) { if (request.getValue() < 0) { //if request is eligible handle it System.out.println("Negative values are handled by ConcreteHandlerOne:"); System.out.println("\tConcreteHandlerOne.HandleRequest : " + request.getDescription() + request.getValue()); return true; } // if not else return false; } The above implementation not only that eliminates the broken chain problem, but it also offers an increased level of flexibility. Only by changing the handleRequest method we can change the pattern to send to al handlers regardless the request handling: public final void handleRequest(Request request) { boolean handledByThisNode = this.handleRequestImpl(request); if (m_successor != null && !handledByThisNode) m_successor.handleRequest(request); } · Avoiding spam requests For example, an improvement that we could find useful is avoiding sending spam commands. This way, the concrete extension of the HandleRequest function will look like this: public void HandleRequest(int request) { if(isSpam(request)) { // if the request is spam take spam-related actions } else { // request is not spam. super.HandleRequest(request); // Pass message to next filter in the chain. } } · · · Use on existing code The last, but not least problem that the Chain of Responsibility creates to a programmer is the fact that it is impossible to introduce the pattern into the existing classes without modifying the source code and, even in the case where the pattern is already included in the code, if new operations need to be added to the Handler, it is impossible to do that without modifying the source code. So the basic idea is to decide from the start on whether to use the pattern or not and if we do, what methods we need. Hot points - The fundamental flaw of the pattern is the fact that it gets easily broken: if the programmer forgets to call the next handler in the concreteHandler the request gets lost on the way. This problem comes from the fact that the execution is not handled entirely by the superclass and the call is triggered in the superclass. - When implementing the CoR pattern a special care should be taken for the request representation. The request is not considered a distinctive part of the CoR pattern, but it is still used in all the components of the pattern. - Another flaw of the Chain of Responsibility is the fact that some requests may end up unhandled due to the wrong implementation of concrete handler, their propagation slowing down the rest of the application. This means that extra care is needed when taking into account the requests that may appear in the process. |
Command “An object that contains a symbol, name or key that represents a list of commands, actions or keystrokes”. This is the definition of a macro, one that should be familiar to any computer user. From this idea the Command design pattern was given birth. The Macro represents, at some extent, a command that is built from the reunion of a set of other commands, in a given order. Just as a macro, the Command design pattern encapsulates commands (method calls) in objects allowing us to issue requests without knowing the requested operation or the requesting object. Command design pattern provides the options to queue commands, undo/redo actions and other manipulations. Intent - encapsulate a request in an object - allows the parameterization of clients with different requests - allows saving the requests in a queue Implementation The idea and implementation of the Command design pattern is quite simple, as we will see in the diagram below, needing only few extra classes implemented. ![]() The classes participating in the pattern are: - Command - declares an interface for executing an operation; - ConcreteCommand - extends the Command interface, implementing the Execute method by invoking the corresponding operations on Receiver. It defines a link between the Receiver and the action. - Client - creates a ConcreteCommand object and sets its receiver; - Invoker - asks the command to carry out the request; - Receiver - knows how to perform the operations; The Client asks for a command to be executed. The Invoker takes the command, encapsulates it and places it in a queue, in case there is something else to do first, and the ConcreteCommand that is in charge of the requested command, sending its result to the Receiver. Here is a sample code of a classic implementation of this pattern for placing orders for buying and selling stocks: ![]() The client creates some orders for buying and selling stocks (ConcreteCommands). Then the orders are sent to the agent (Invoker).The agent takes the orders and place them to the StockTrade system (Receiver). The agent keeps an internal queue with the order to be placed. Let's assume that the StockTrade system is closed each Monday, but the agent accepts orders, and queue them to be processed later on.
Applicability & Examples The applicability of the Command design pattern can be found in these cases below: - parameterizes objects depending on the action they must perform - specifies or adds in a queue and executes requests at different moments in time - offers support for undoable actions (the Execute method can memorize the state and allow going back to that state) - structures the system in high level operations that based on primitive operations - decouples the object that invokes the action from the object that performs the action. Due to this usage it is also known as Producer - Consumer design pattern. The example of the meal order at a restaurant is a very good one when trying to explain better how the pattern works: The waiter (Invoker) takes the order from the customer on his pad. The order is then queued for the order cook and gets to the cook (Receiver) where it is processed. ![]() In this case the actors in the scenario are the following: The Client is the customer. He sends his request to the receiver through the waiter, who is the Invoker. The waiter encapsulates the command (the order in this case) by writing it on the check and then places it, creating the ConcreteCommand object which is the command itself. The Receiver will be the cook that, after completing work on all the orders that were sent to him before the command in question, starts work on it. Another noticeable aspect of the example is the fact that the pad for the orders does not support only orders from the menu, so it can support commands to cook many different items. Just the same way we can consider the example of an auto-repair shop. People come in with different cars that have different problems. The person at the front desk takes their information and places the car in a queue for repair. The information on the order is encapsulated in the paper the car owner will use when he comes back to pick up the fixed car. At some point the car will become the first item in the queue and the mechanic will repair it. Just as in the example above, the Client is the customer. The Invoker is the person at the front desk that takes the information on the car and its problems, the ConcreteCommand is the request for fixing the car and the Receiver is the mechanic. The most used implementation of the command pattern is the one used to implement the undo options in applications: ![]() Let's consider a calculator application. The application represents the Client. The calculator (Receiver) class is the main class used in the application to perform the commands. This might be as well the document class if we have a text editor application and we want to implement operations like copy/paste/etc.... When the application has to perform a command it creates the command and sent it to the invoker. The invoker calls the execute method of the command and adds it to a list containing all the commands. The execute method of the command delegate the call to the Calculator object. When undo operations are performed the invoker uses the list with all executed commands and calls for each one the unexecuted method. The redo operation works in the same manner. Specific problems and implementation Now that we have understood how the pattern works, it's time to take a look at its advantages and flaws, too. The intelligence of a command There are two extremes that a programmer must avoid when using this pattern: 1. The command is just a link between the receiver and the actions that carry out the request 2. The command implements everything itself, without sending anything to the receiver. We must always keep in mind the fact that the receiver is the one who knows how to perform the operations needed, the purpose of the command being to help the client to delegate its request quickly and to make sure the command ends up where it should. Undo and redo actions As mentioned above, some implementations of the Command design pattern include parts for supporting undo and redo of actions. In order to do that a mechanism to obtain past states of the Receiver object is needed; in order to achieve this there are two options: - Before running each command a snapshot of the receiver state is stored in memory. This does not require much programming effort but can not be always applied. For example doing this in an image processing application would require storing images in memory after each step, which is practically impossible. - Instead of storing receiver objects states, the set of performed operations are stored in memory. In this case the command and receiver classes should implement the inverse algorithms to undo each action. This will require additional programming effort, but less memory will be required. Sometimes for undo/redo actions the command should store more information about the state of the receiver objects. A good idea in such cases is to use the Memento Pattern. Asynchronous Method Invocation Another usage for the command design pattern is to run commands asynchronous in background of an application. In this case the invoker is running in the main thread and sends the requests to the receiver which is running in a separate thread. The invoker will keep a queue of commands to be run and will send them to the receiver while it finishes running them. Instead of using one thread in which the receiver is running more threads can be created for this. But for performance issues (thread creation is consuming) the number of threads should be limited. In this case the invoker will use a pool of receiver threads to run command asynchronously. Adding new commands The command object decouples the object that invokes the action from the object that performs the action. There are implementations of the pattern in which the invoker instantiates the concrete command objects. In this case if we need to add a new command type we need to change the invoker as well. And this would violate the Open Close Principle (OCP). In order to have the ability to add new commands with minimum of effort we have to make sure that the invoker is aware only about the abstract command class or interface. Using composite commands When adding new commands to the application we can use the composite pattern to group existing commands in another new command. This way, macros can be created from existing commands. Hot spot The main advantage of the command design pattern is that it decouples the object that invokes the operation from the one that know how to perform it. And this advantage must be kept. There are implementations of this design pattern in which the invoker is aware of the concrete commands classes. This is wrong making the implementation more tightly coupled. The invoker should be aware only about the abstract command class. |
The Interpreter is one of the Design Patterns published in the GoF which is not really used. Ussualy the Interpreter Pattern is described in terms of formal grammars, like it was described in the original form in the GoF but the area where this design pattern can be applied can be extended.
- Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.
- Map a domain to a language, the language to a grammar, and the grammar to a hierarchical object-oriented design
- Map a domain to a language, the language to a grammar, and the grammar to a hierarchical object-oriented design
The implementation of the Interpreter pattern is just the use of the composite pattern applied to represent a grammar. The Interpreter defines the behaviour while the composite defines only the structure.
Applicability & Examples
The Template Method pattern should be used:
- The Interpreter pattern is used exaustively in defining grammars, tokenize input and store it.
- A specific area where Interpreter can be used are the rules engines.
- The Interpreter pattern can be used to add functionality to the composite pattern.
- The Interpreter pattern is used exaustively in defining grammars, tokenize input and store it.
- A specific area where Interpreter can be used are the rules engines.
- The Interpreter pattern can be used to add functionality to the composite pattern.
Example 1 - Roman Numerals Convertor
The classical example fot the interpreter pattern is the one of interpreting the roman numerals. The expresion to be interpreted is a string which is put in the context. The context consists of the remaining unparsed Roman Numeral string and of the result of the numerral that are already parsed. The context is passed to one of four sub-interpreters based on the type of interpreting(Thousand, Hundred, Ten, One). This example it's using only TerminalExpressions.
The following participant classes are involved in this example: Context - keeps the current string that has to be parsed and the decimal that contains the conversion already done. Initially the context keeps the full string that has to be converted and 0 for the output decimal.
Expression - Consists of the interpret method which receives the context. Based on the current object it uses specific values for Thousand, Hundred, Ten, One and a specific multiplier.
ThousandExpression, HundredExpression, TenExpression, OneExpression (TerminalExpression) - Those classes are usued to define each specific expression. Ussualy, the TerminalExpression classes implement the interpret method. In our case the method is already defined in the base Expression class and each TerminalExpression class defines its behaviour by implmenting the abstract methods: one, four(), five(), nine(), multiplier(). It is a template method pattern.
Main(Client) - In our litle example this class is responsible to build the syntax tree representing a specific sentence in the language defined by the grammar. After the syntax tree is build the main method is invoking the interpret method.
The following participant classes are involved in this example: Context - keeps the current string that has to be parsed and the decimal that contains the conversion already done. Initially the context keeps the full string that has to be converted and 0 for the output decimal.
Expression - Consists of the interpret method which receives the context. Based on the current object it uses specific values for Thousand, Hundred, Ten, One and a specific multiplier.
ThousandExpression, HundredExpression, TenExpression, OneExpression (TerminalExpression) - Those classes are usued to define each specific expression. Ussualy, the TerminalExpression classes implement the interpret method. In our case the method is already defined in the base Expression class and each TerminalExpression class defines its behaviour by implmenting the abstract methods: one, four(), five(), nine(), multiplier(). It is a template method pattern.
Main(Client) - In our litle example this class is responsible to build the syntax tree representing a specific sentence in the language defined by the grammar. After the syntax tree is build the main method is invoking the interpret method.
public class Context { private String input; private int output; public Context(String input) { this.input = input; } public String getInput() { return input; } public void setInput(String input) { this.input = input; } public int getOutput() { return output; } public void setOutput(int output) { this.output = output; } } public abstract class Expression { public void interpret(Context context) { if (context.getInput().length() == 0) return; if (context.getInput().startsWith(nine())) { context.setOutput(context.getOutput() + (9 * multiplier())); context.setInput(context.getInput().substring(2)); } else if (context.getInput().startsWith(four())) { context.setOutput(context.getOutput() + (4 * multiplier())); context.setInput(context.getInput().substring(2)); } else if (context.getInput().startsWith(five())) { context.setOutput(context.getOutput() + (5 * multiplier())); context.setInput( context.getInput().substring(1)); } while (context.getInput().startsWith(one())) { context.setOutput(context.getOutput() + (1 * multiplier())); context.setInput(context.getInput().substring(1)); } } public abstract String one(); public abstract String four(); public abstract String five(); public abstract String nine(); public abstract int multiplier(); } public class ThousandExpression extends Expression{ public String one() { return "M"; } public String four(){ return " "; } public String five(){ return " "; } public String nine(){ return " "; } public int multiplier() { return 1000; } } public class HundredExpression extends Expression{ public String one() { return "C"; } public String four(){ return "CD"; } public String five(){ return "D"; } public String nine(){ return "CM"; } public int multiplier() { return 100; } } public class TenExpression extends Expression{ public String one() { return "X"; } public String four(){ return "XL"; } public String five(){ return "L"; } public String nine(){ return "XC"; } public int multiplier() { return 10; } } public class OneExpression extends Expression{ public String one() { return "I"; } public String four(){ return "IV"; } public String five(){ return "V"; } public String nine(){ return "IX"; } public int multiplier() { return 1; } } public class MainInterpreter { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { String roman = "MCMXXVIII"; Context context = new Context(roman); // Build the 'parse tree' ArrayList tree.add(new ThousandExpression()); tree.add(new HundredExpression()); tree.add(new TenExpression()); tree.add(new OneExpression()); // Interpret for (Iterator it = tree.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Expression exp = (Expression); exp.interpret(context); } System.out.println(roman + " = " + Integer.toString(context.getOutput())); } } |
Example 2 - Rule Validator
This example can be used to validate some conditions. Each expression is interpreted and the output for each expression is a boolean value. The following classes and entities are involved:
String(Context) - The String is used as a context. The string that has to be interpreted is parsed.
Expression - An abstract class with an abstract method called interpret.
TerminalExpression - This is the terminal expression. Only one terminal expression class is defined in our example and it returns true if a token was found there.
AlternationExpression, SequenceExpression(NonTerminalExpressions) - Implements logical operators(OR, AND) between 2 terminal or non terminal expressions.
Main(Client) - builds the abstract tree and call the interpret method of the Interpreter tree.
String(Context) - The String is used as a context. The string that has to be interpreted is parsed.
Expression - An abstract class with an abstract method called interpret.
TerminalExpression - This is the terminal expression. Only one terminal expression class is defined in our example and it returns true if a token was found there.
AlternationExpression, SequenceExpression(NonTerminalExpressions) - Implements logical operators(OR, AND) between 2 terminal or non terminal expressions.
Main(Client) - builds the abstract tree and call the interpret method of the Interpreter tree.
public abstract class Expression { abstract public boolean interpret(String str); } public class TerminalExpression extends Expression { private String literal = null; public TerminalExpression(String str) { literal = str; } public boolean interpret(String str) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String test = st.nextToken(); if (test.equals(literal)) { return true; } } return false; } } public class OrExpression extends Expression{ private Expression expression1 = null; private Expression expression2 = null; public OrExpression(Expression expression1, Expression expression2) { this.expression1 = expression1; this.expression2 = expression2; } public boolean interpret(String str) { return expression1.interpret(str) || expression2.interpret(str); } } public class AndExpression extends Expression{ private Expression expression1 = null; private Expression expression2 = null; public AndExpression(Expression expression1, Expression expression2) { this.expression1 = expression1; this.expression2 = expression2; } public boolean interpret(String str) { return expression1.interpret(str) && expression2.interpret(str); } } public class Main { /** * this method builds the interpreter tree * It defines the rule "Owen and (John or (Henry or Mary))" * @return */ static Expression buildInterpreterTree() { // Literal Expression terminal1 = new TerminalExpression("John"); Expression terminal2 = new TerminalExpression("Henry"); Expression terminal3 = new TerminalExpression("Mary"); Expression terminal4 = new TerminalExpression("Owen"); // Henry or Mary Expression alternation1 = new OrExpression(terminal2, terminal3); // John or (Henry or Mary) Expression alternation2 = new OrExpression(terminal1, alternation1); // Owen and (John or (Henry or Mary)) return new AndExpression(terminal4, alternation2); } /** * main method - build the interpreter * and then interpret a specific sequence * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { String context = "Mary Owen"; Expression define = buildInterpreterTree(); System.out.println(context + " is " + define.interpret(context)); } } |
Iterator Motivation One of the most common data structures in software development is what is generic called a collection. A collection is just a grouping of some objects. They can have the same type or they can be all cast to a base type like object. A collection can be a list, an array, a tree and the examples can continue. But what is more important is that a collection should provide a way to access its elements without exposing its internal structure. We should have a mechanism to traverse in the same way a list or an array. It doesn't matter how they are internally represented. The idea of the iterator pattern is to take the responsibility of accessing and passing trough the objects of the collection and put it in the iterator object. The iterator object will maintain the state of the iteration, keeping track of the current item and having a way of identifying what elements are next to be iterated. Intent Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. The abstraction provided by the iterator pattern allows you to modify the collection implementation without making any changes outside of collection. It enables you to create a general purpose GUI component that will be able to iterate through any collection of the application. Implementation ![]() Applicability & Examples The iterator pattern allow us to: · access contents of a collection without exposing its internal structure. · support multiple simultaneous traversals of a collection. · provide a uniform interface for traversing different collection. Example 1: This exmple is using a collection of books and it uses an iterator to iterate through the collection. The main actors are: · IIterator - This interface represent the AbstractIterator, defining the iterator · BookIterator - This is the implementation of Iterator(implements the IIterator interface) · IContainer - This is an interface defining the Agregate · BooksCollection - An implementation of the collection Here is the code for the abstractions IIterator and IContainer:
And here is the code for concrete classes for iterator and collection. Please note that the concrete iterator is an nested class. This way it can access all the members of the collection and it is encapsulated so other classes can not access the BookIterator. All the classes are not aware of BookIterator they uses the IIterator:
Example 2: Java collection framework Example 3: .NET collection framework Specific problems and implementation Iterator and multithreading Several problems may appear when collections are added from different threads. First of all let's see which the basic steps when using an iterator are: · Step one: the collection return a new iterator (using in our example the createIterator method). Usually this step is not affected when it is used in multithreading environments because it returns a new iterator object. · Step two: The iterator is used for iterating through the objects. Since the iterators are different objects this step is not a problematic one in multithreading environments. It seems that the iterator does not raise special problems when a collection is used from different threads. Of course here we are talking about an "seems". To reformulate the iterator does not raise special problems when the collection used from different threads as long the collection is not changed. Let's analyze each case: · A new element is added to the collection (at the end). The iterator should be aware of the new size of the collection and to iterate till the end. · A new element is added to the collection before the current element. In this case all the iterators of the collection should be aware of this. The same actions should occur when an element is removed from the collection. The iterators should be aware of the changes. The main task when creating a multithreading iterator is to create a robust iterator (that allows insertions and deletions without affection transversal). Then the blocks which are changing or accessing resources changed by another thread have to be synchronized. External vs. internal iterators. External Iterators - when the iteration is controlled by the collection object we say that we have an external Iterator. In languages like .net on java it's very easy to create external iterators. In our classical implementation an external iterator is implemented. In the following example an external iterator is used:
Internal Iterators - When the iterator controls it we have an internal iterator On the other side implementing and using internal iterators is really difficult. When an internal iterator is used it means that the code is be run is delegated to the aggregate object. For example in languages that offer support for this is easy to call internal iterators:
The main idea is to pass the code to be executed to the collection. Then the collection will call internally the doSomething method on each of the components. In C++ it's possible to send the doMethod method as a pointer. In C# .NET or VB.NET it is possible to send the method as a delegate. In java the Functor design pattern has to be used. The main idea is to create a base Interface with only one method (doSomething). Then the method will be implemented in a class which implements the interface and the class will be passed to the collection to iterate. For more details see the Functor design pattern. Who defines the traversal algorithm? The algorithm for traversing the aggregate can be implemented in the iterator or in the aggregate itself. When the traversal algorithm is defined in the aggregate, the iterator is used only to store the state of the iterator. This kind of iterator is called a cursor because it points to the current position in the aggregate. The other option is to implement the traversal algorithm in the iterator. This option offers certain advantages and some disadvantages. For example it is easier to implement different algorithms to reuse the same iterators on different aggregates and to subclass the iterator in order to change its behavior. The main disadvantage is that the iterator will have to access internal members of the aggregate. In Java and .NET this can be done, without violating the encapsulation principle, by making the iterator an inner class of the aggregate class. Robust Iterators - Can the aggregate be modified while a traversal is ongoing? An iterator that allows insertion and deletions without affecting the traversal and without making a copy of the aggregate is called a robust iterator. A robust iterator will make sure that when elements are added or removed from an aggregate during iteration; elements are not accessed twice or ignored. Lets' say we don't need a robust iterator. If the aggregate can not be modified (because the iteration is started), it should be made explicitly, meaning that the client should be aware of it. We can just return a false value what an element is added to the collection stating that the operation has failed, or we can throw an exception. An alternative solution is to add functions to change the aggregate in the iterator itself. For example we can add the following methods to our iterator:
In the case when this solution is chosen the iterator handles the changes of the aggregator. In this case the operation to change the iteration should be added to the iterator interface or base class not to the implementation only, in order to have a general mechanism for the entire application. Mechanism provided by the programming language The iterator pattern can be implemented from scrach in Java or .NET, but there is already built-in support for Iterator Pattern (IEnumerator/IEnumerable in .NET and Iterator/Collection in JAVA). Hot Spot · External vs. internal iterators - In languages like Java, C#, VB .NET, C++ is very easy to use external iterators. · Who defines the traversal algorithm? - The aggregate can implement it or the iterator as well. Usually the algorithm is defined in the iterator. · Robust Iterators - Can the aggregate be modified while a traversal is ongoing? · Multithreading iterators - First of all multithreading iterators should be robust iterators. Second of all they should work in multithreading environments. |
Mediator Pattern Motivation In order to have a good object oriented design we have to create lots of classes interacting one with each other. If certain principles are not applied the final framework will end in a total mess where each object relies on many other objects in order to run. In order to avoid tight coupled frameworks, we need a mechanism to facilitate the interaction between objects in a manner in that objects are not aware of the existence of other objects. Let's take the example of a screen. When we create it we add all sort of controls to the screen. This control need to interact with all the other control. For example when a button is pressed it must know if the data is valid in other controls. As you have seen if you created different applications using forms you don't have to modify each control class each time you add a new control to the form. All the operations between controls are managed by the form class itself. This class is called mediator. Intent Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently. ![]() Implementation Participants The participants classes in this pattern are: · Mediator - defines an interface for communicating with Colleague objects. · ConcreteMediator - knows the colleague classes and keep a reference to the colleague objects. - implements the communication and transfer the messages between the colleague classes · Colleague classes - keep a reference to its Mediator object - communicates with the Mediator whenever it would have otherwise communicated with another Colleague. Applicability According to Gamma et al, the Mediator pattern should be used when: · a set of objects communicate in well-defined but complex ways. The resulting interdependencies are unstructured and difficult to understand. · reusing an object is difficult because it refers to and communicates with many other objects. · a behavior that's distributed between several classes should be customizable without a lot of subclassing. Examples Example 1 - GUI Libraries The mediator example is one pattern that is already used in many applications. One of the examples is represented by the Dialog classes in GUI applications frameworks. A Dialog window is a collection of graphic and non-graphic controls. The Dialog class provides the mechanism to facilitate the interaction between controls. For example, when a new value is selected from a ComboBox object a Label has to display a new value. Both the ComboBox and the Label are not aware of each other structure and all the interaction is managed by the Dialog object. Each control is not aware of the existence of other controls. Example 2 - Chat application The chat application is another example of the mediator pattern. In a chat application we can have several participants. It's not a good idea to connect each participant to all the others because the number of connections would be really high, there would be technical problems due to proxies and firewalls, etc... . The most appropriate solution is to have a hub where all participants will connect; this hub is just the mediator class. Participants: · Chatroom(Mediator) - Defines the interface for interacting with participants · ChatroomImpl (ConcreteMediator) - implements the operations defined by the Chatroom interface. The operations are managing the interactions between the objects: when one participant sends a message, the message is sent to the other participants. · Participant(Collegue) - defines an interface for the participants. · HumanParticipant, Bot (ConcreteCollegue) - implements participants; the participant can be a human or a bot, each one having a distinct implementation but implementing the same interface. Each participant will keep only a reference to the mediator. Specific problems and implementation Abstract Mediators There is no need to create an Abstract Mediator class or an interface as long as the colleagues are going to use only one mediator. The definition of an abstract Mediator is required only if the colleagues needs to work with different mediators. Communication between mediators and colleagues There are different ways to realize the communication between the colleagues and its mediator: · One of the most used methods is to use the Observer pattern. The mediator can be also an observer and the Colleagues can be implement an observable object. Each time an change is made in the state of the observable object, the observer(mediator) gets notified and it notify all other colleagues objects. · Alternative methods can be used to send messages to the mediator. For example a simple delegation can be used and specialised methods can be exposed by the mediator · In more complex implementations asynchronous messages can be added to to a message queue, from where they can be picked up by the mediator object Complexity of Mediator object The mediator object handles all the interaction between the participants objects. One potential problem is complexity of the mediator when the number of participants is a high and the different participant classes is high. If you created custom dialogs for GUI applications you remember that after some time the dialogs classes become really complex because they had to manage a lot of operations. Consequences As with most design patterns, there are both advantages and disadvantages of using the Mediator Patern. The following section will briefly outline a few of these issues. Advantages · Comprehension - The mediator encapsulate the logic of mediation between the colleagues. From this reason it' more easier to understand this logic since it is kept in only one class. · Decoupled Colleagues - The colleague classes are totally decoupled. Adding a new colleague class is very easy due to this decoupling level. · Simplified object protocols - The colleague objects need to communicate only with the mediator objects. Practically the mediator pattern reduce the required communication channels(protocols) from many to many to one to many and many to one. · Limits Subclassing - Because the entire communication logic is encapsulated by the mediator class, when this logic need to be extended only the mediator class need to be extended. Disadvantages · Complexity - in practice the mediators tends to become more complex and complex. A good practice is to take care to make the mediator classes responsible only for the communication part. For example when implementing different screens the the screen class should not contain code which is not a part of the screen operations. It should be put in some other classes. Related Patterns There are a few design patterns that are closely related to the Mediator pattern and are often used in conjunction with it. · Facade Pattern - a simplified mediator becomes a facade pattern if the mediator is the only active class and the colleagues are passive classes. A facade pattern is just an implementation of the mediator pattern where mediator is the only object triggering and invoking actions on passive colleague classes. The Facade is being call by some external classes. · Adapter Pattern - the mediator patter just "mediate" the requests between the colleague classes. It is not supposed to change the messages it receives and sends; if it alters those messages then it is an Adapter pattern. · Observer Pattern - the observer and mediator are similar patterns, solving the same problem. The main difference between them is the problem they address. The observer pattern handles the communication between observers and subjects or subject. It's very probable to have new observable objects added. On the other side in the mediator pattern the mediator class is the the most likely class to be inherited. Known Uses In the following section, we'll discuss some real-world uses of the Mediator pattern. You'll find the Mediator in many situations where there are many components that must interact with one another in complex ways. User Interfaces Maybe the mediator pattern is mostly used in the user interfaces. Almost any GUI framework is build around it. Like discussed before, the classes representing forms (Dialog, Form,... ) represents the the mediator while each control represents a colleague. The form class provides the mechanism to facilitate the interaction between controls; an inherited class is created each time a new screen is created and the specific code is written in this class. This way, the controls communication is mediated by this form class. Java Message Service The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients. The JMS API supports 2 models. One of them is the publish-subscribe model. It is an implementation of the mediator pattern. The messages can be publisehd based on a particular topic. The publisher has to create a subscription to which different subscribers may subscribe. Zero or more subscribers may subscribe to receive messages on a particular message topic. The publisher and the subscriber doesn't know one about eachother, the subscriber can be even inactive. In this case the subscriber receives the messages when it will become active. Conclusion The mediator pattern is used to takes the role of a hub or router and facilitates the communication between many classes. A similarity can be made with the database systems. The mediator transform a hard to implement relation of many to many, where each calls has to communicate with each other class, in 2 relations, easy to implement, of many to one and one to many, where the communication is handled by the mediator class. |
Observer Pattern Motivation We can not talk about Object Oriented Programming without considering the state of the objects. After all object oriented programming is about objects and their interaction. The cases when certain objects need to be informed about the changes occured in other objects are frequent. To have a good design means to decouple as much as possible and to reduce the dependencies. The Observer Design Pattern can be used whenever a subject has to be observed by one or more observers. Let's assume we have a stock system which provides data for several types of client. We want to have a client implemented as a web based application but in near future we need to add clients for mobile devices, Palm or Pocket PC, or to have a system to notify the users with sms alerts. Now it's simple to see what we need from the observer pattern: we need to separate the subject(stocks server) from it's observers(client applications) in such a way that adding new observer will be transparent for the server. Intent · Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically. ![]() Implementation The participants classes in this pattern are: · Observable - interface or abstract class defining the operations for attaching and de-attaching observers to the client. In the GOF book this class/interface is known as Subject. · ConcreteObservable - concrete Observable class. It maintain the state of the object and when a change in the state occurs it notifies the attached Observers. · Observer - interface or abstract class defining the operations to be used to notify this object. · ConcreteObserverA, ConcreteObserver2 - concrete Observer implementations. The flow is simple: the main framework instantiate the ConcreteObservable object. Then it instantiate and attaches the concrete observers to it using the methods defined in the Observable interface. Each time the state of the subject it's changing it notifies all the attached Observers using the methods defined in the Observer interface. When a new Observer is added to the application, all we need to do is to instantiate it in the main framework and to add attach it to the Observable object. The classes already created will remain unchanged. Applicability & Examples The observer pattern is used when: · the change of a state in one object must be reflected in another object without keeping the objects tight coupled. · the framework we are writing needs to be enhanced in future with new observers with minimal changes. Some Classical Examples: · Model View Controller Pattern - The observer pattern is used in the model view controller (MVC) architectural pattern. In MVC the this pattern is used to decouple the model from the view. View represents the Observer and the model is the Observable object. · Event management - This is one of the domains where the Observer patterns is extensively used. Swing and .Net are extensively using the Observer pattern for implementing the events mechanism. Example - News Agency Lets' take the example of a news agency. A news agency gather news news and publish them to different subscribers. We need to create a framework for and agency to be able to inform immediately, when event occurs, its subscribers about the event. The subscribers can receive the news in different ways: Emails, SMS, ... The solution need to be extensively enough to support new types of subscribers(maybe new communication technologies will appear). ![]() Obviously, the agency is represented by an Observable(Subject) class named NewsPublisher. This one is created as an abstract class because the agency want to create several types of Observable objects: in the beginning only for business news, but after some time sport and political new will be published. The concrete class is BusinessNewsPublisher. The observer logic is implemented in NewsPublisher. It keeps a list of all it subscribers and it informs them about the latest news. The subscribers are represented by some observers (SMSSubscriber, EmailSubscriber). Both the observers mentioned above are inherited from the Subscriber. The subscriber is the abstract class which is known to the publisher. The publisher doesn't know about concrete observers, it knows only about their abstraction. In the main class a publisher(Observable) is built and a few subscribers(Observers). The subscribers are subscribed to the publisher and they can be unsubscribed. In this architecture new types of subscribers can be easily added(instant messaging, ...) and new types of publishers(Weather News, Sport News, ...). Specific Implementation Problems Many subjects to Many observers It's not a common situation but there are cases when a there are many observers that need to observe more than one subject. In this case the observer need to be notified not only about the change, but also which is the subject with the state changed. This can be realized very simple by adding to the subjects reference in the update notification method. The subject will pass a reference to itself(this) to the when notify the observer. Who triggers the update? The communication between the subject and its observers is done through the notify method declared in observer interface. But who it cat be triggered from either subject or observer object. Usually the notify method is triggered by the subject when it's state is changed. But sometimes when the updates are frequent the consecutive changes in the subject will determine many unnecessary refresh operations in the observer. In order to make this process more efficient the observer can be made responsible for starting the notify operation when it consider necessary. Making sure Subject state is self-consistent before notification The subject state should be consistent when the notify operation is triggered. If changes are made in the subject state after the observer is notified, it will will be refreshed with an old state. This seems hard to achieve but in practice this can be easily done when Subject subclass operations call inherited operations. In the following example, the observer is notified when the subject is in an inconsistent state:
This pitfall can be avoided using template methods in the abstract subject superclass for calling the notify operations. Then subject subclass will implement the operations(s) of the template:
The Operations defined in the subject base class which triggers notify operation should be documented. Push and pull communication methods There are 2 methods of passing the data from the subject to the observer when the state is being changed in the subject side: · Push model - The subjects send detailed information about the change to the observer whether it uses it or not. Because the subject needs to send the detailed information to the observer this might be inefficient when a large amount of data needs to be sent and it is not used. Another aproach would be to send only the information required by the observer. In this case the subject should be able to distinguish between different types of observers and to know the required data of each of them, meaning that the subject layer is more coupled to observer layer. · Pull model - The subject just notifies the observers when a change in his state appears and it's the responsibility of each observer to pull the required data from the subject. This can be inefficient because the communication is done in 2 steps and problems might appear in multithreading environments. Specifying points of interests The efficiency can be improved by specifying which are the events on which each observer is interested. This can be realized by adding a new class defining an aspect. When an observer is registering it will provide the aspects in which it is interested:
Encapsulating complex update semantics When we have several subjects and observers the relations between them we'll become more complex. First of all are have a many to many relation, more difficult to manage directly. Second of all the relation between subjects and observers can contain some logic. Maybe we want to have an observer notified only when all the subjects will change their states. In this case we should introduce another object responsible (called ChangeManager) for the following actions: · to maintain the many to many relations between the subjects and their observers. · to encapsulate the logic of notify the observers. · to receive the notifications from subjects and delegate them to the observers(based on the logic it encapsulate) Basically the Change Manager is an observer because if gets notified of the changes of the subject and in the same time is an subject because it notify the observers. The ChangeManager is an implemenation of the Mediator pattern. The Observer pattern is usually used in combination with other design patterns: · Factory pattern - It's very likely to use the factory pattern to create the Observers so no changes will be required even in the main framework. The new observers can be added directly in the configuration files. · Template Method - The observer pattern can be used in conjunction with the Template Method Pattern to make sure that Subject state is self-consistent before notification · Mediator Pattern - The mediator pattern can be used when we have cases of complex cases of many subjects an many observers |
Strategy Motivation There are common situations when classes differ only in their behavior. For this cases is a good idea to isolate the algorithms in separate classes in order to have the ability to select different algorithms at runtime. Intent Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it. Implementation ![]() Strategy - defines an interface common to all supported algorithms. Context uses this interface to call the algorithm defined by a ConcreteStrategy. ConcreteStrategy - each concrete strategy implements an algorithm. Context · contains a reference to a strategy object. · may define an interface that lets strategy accessing its data. The Context objects contains a reference to the ConcreteStrategy that should be used. When an operation is required then the algorithm is run from the strategy object. The Context is not aware of the strategy implementation. If necessary, addition objects can be defined to pass data from context object to strategy. The context object receives requests from the client and delegates them to the strategy object. Usually the ConcreteStartegy is created by the client and passed to the context. From this point the clients interacts only with the context. Applicability & Examples Example - Robots Application ![]() Let's consider an application used to simulate and study robots interaction. For the beginning a simple application is created to simulate an arena where robots are interacting. We have the following classes: IBehaviour (Strategy) - an interface that defines the behavior of a robot Conctete Strategies: AggressiveBehaviour, DefensiveBehaviour, NormalBehaviour; each of them defines a specific behavior. In order to decide the action this class needs information that is passed from robot sensors like position, close obstacles, etc. Robot - The robot is the context class. It keeps or gets context information such as position, close obstacles, etc, and passes necessary information to the Strategy class. In the main section of the application the several robots are created and several different behaviors are created. Each robot has a different behavior assigned: 'Big Robot' is an aggressive one and attacks any other robot found, 'George v.2.1' is really scared and run away in the opposite direction when it encounter another robot and 'R2' is pretty calm and ignore any other robot. At some point the behaviors are changed for each robot.
Specific problems and implementation Passing data to/from Strategy object Usually each strategy need data from the context have to return some processed data to the context. This can be achieved in 2 ways. · creating some additional classes to encapsulate the specific data. · passing the context object itself to the strategy objects. The strategy object can set returning data directly in the context. When data should be passed the drawbacks of each method should be analyzed. For example, if some classes are created to encapsulate additional data, a special care should be paid to what fields are included in the classes. Maybe in the current implementation all required fields are added, but maybe in the future some new strategy concrete classes require data from context which are not include in additional classes. Another fact should be specified at this point: it's very likely that some of the strategy concrete classes will not use field passed to the in the additional classes. On the other side, if the context object is passed to the strategy then we have a tighter coupling between strategy and context. Families of related algorithms. The strategies can be defined as a hierarchy of classes offering the ability to extend and customize the existing algorithms from an application. At this point the composite design pattern can be used with a special care. Optionally Concrete Strategy Objects It's possible to implement a context object that carries an implementation for default or a basic algorithm. While running it, it checks if it contains a strategy object. If not it will run the default code and that's it. If a strategy object is found, it is called instead (or in addition) of the default code. This is an elegant solution to exposing some customization points to be used only when they are required. Otherwise the clients don't have to deal with Strategy objects. Strategy and Creational Patterns In the classic implementation of the pattern the client should be aware of the strategy concrete classes. In order to decouple the client class from strategy classes is possible to use a factory class inside the context object to create the strategy object to be used. By doing so the client has only to send a parameter (like a string) to the context asking to use a specific algorithm, being totally decoupled of strategy classes. Strategy and Bridge Both of the patterns have the same UML diagram. But they differ in their intent since the strategy is related with the behavior and bridge is for structure. Further more, the coupling between the context and strategies is tighter that the coupling between the abstraction and implementation in the bring pattern. Hot points The strategy design pattern splits the behavior (there are many behaviors) of a class from the class itself. This has some advantages, but the main draw back is that a client must understand how the Strategies differ. Since clients get exposed to implementation issues the strategy design pattern should be used only when the variation in behavior is relevant to them. |
Template Method Motivation If we take a look at the dictionary definition of a template we can see that a template is a preset format, used as a starting point for a particular application so that the format does not have to be recreated each time it is used. On the same idea is the template method is based. A template method defines an algorithm in a base class using abstract operations that subclasses override to provide concrete behavior. Intent - Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses. - Template Method lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without letting them to change the algorithm's structure. ![]() Implementation AbstractClass - defines abstract primitive operations that concrete subclasses define to implement steps of an algorithm. - implements a template method which defines the skeleton of an algorithm. The template method calls primitive operations as well as operations defined in AbstractClass or those of other objects. ConcreteClass - implements the primitive operations to carry out subclass-specific steps of the algorithm. When a concrete class is called the template method code will be executed from the base class while for each method used inside the template method will be called the implementation from the derived class. Applicability & Examples The Template Method pattern should be used: - to implement the invariant parts of an algorithm once and leave it up to subclasses to implement the behavior that can vary. - when refactoring is performed and common behavior is identified among classes. A abstract base class containing all the common code (in the template method) should be created to avoid code duplication. Example - Application used by a travel agency. ![]() Lets' assume we have to develop an application for a travel agency. The travel agency is managing each trip. All the trips contain common behavior but there are several packages. For example each trip contains the basic steps: - The tourists are transported to the holiday location by plane/train/ships,... - Each day they are visiting something - They are returning back home. So we create an abstract class containing each step as an abstract method and one concrete and final method that calls all the abstracts methods. Then we create one superclass for each package:
Specific problems and implementation Concrete base class It is not necessary to have the superclass as a abstract class. It can be a concrete class containing a method (template method) and some default functionality. In this case the primitive methods can not be abstract and this is a flaw because it is not so clear which methods have to be overridden and which not. A concrete base class should be used only when customizations hooks are implemented. Template method can not be overridden The template method implemented by the base class should not be overridden. The specific programming language modifiers should be used to ensure this. Customization Hooks A particular case of the template method pattern is represented by the hooks. The hooks are generally empty methods that are called in superclass (and does nothing because are empty), but can be implemented in subclasses. Customization Hooks can be considered a particular case of the template method as well as a totally different mechanism. Usually a subclass can have a method extended by overriding id and calling the parent method explicitly:
Unfortunately it is easy to forget to call the super and this is forcing the developer to check the existing code from the method in Superclass. Instead of overriding some hook methods can be added. Then in the subclasses only the hooks should be implemented without being aware of the method something:
Minimizing primitive methods number It's important when designing template methods to minimize the number of primitive methods that a subclass must override in order to provide a clear an easy way to implement concrete templates. Naming Convetions In order to identify the primitive methods is it better to use a specific naming convention. For example the prefix “do” can be used for primitive methods. In a similar way the customizations hooks can have prefixes like “pre” and “post”. When methods that should be abstract or not When there is a method in the base class that should contain default some code, but on the other side it's necessary to be extended in the subclasses it should be split in 2 methods: one abstract and one concrete. We can not rely in the fact that the subclasses will override the method and will call the super implementation in it like this:
Template Method and Strategy Design Pattern The strategy pattern is with Template Method pattern. The difference consists in the fact that Strategy uses delegation while the Template Methods uses the inheritance. Hot points Template method is using as an inverted controls structure, sometimes referred as “the Hollywood principle”: from the superclass point of view: “Don't call us, we'll call you”. This refers to the fact that instead of calling the methods from base class in the subclasses, the methods from subclass are called in the template method from superclass. Due to the above fact a special care should be paid to the access modifiers: the template method should be implemented only in the base class, and the primitive method should be implemented in the subclasses. A particular case of the template method is represented by the customization hooks. |
Visitor Pattern Motivation Collections are data types widely used in object oriented programming. Often collections contain objects of different types and in those cases some operations have to be performed on all the collection elements without knowing the type. A possible approach to apply a specific operation on objects of different types in a collection would be the use if blocks in conjunction with 'instanceof' for each element. This approach is not a nice one, not flexible and not object oriented at all. At this point we should think to the Open Close principle and we should remember from there that we can replace if blocks with an abstract class and each concrete class will implement its own operation. Intent · Represents an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. · Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates. Implementation ![]() The participants classes in this pattern are: · Visitor - This is an interface or an abstract class used to declare the visit operations for all the types of visitable classes. Usually the name of the operation is the same and the operations are differentiated by the method signature: The input object type decides which of the method is called. · ConcreteVisitor - For each type of visitor all the visit methods, declared in abstract visitor, must be implemented. Each Visitor will be responsible for different operations. When a new visitor is defined it has to be passed to the object structure. · Visitable - is an abstraction which declares the accept operation. This is the entry point which enables an object to be "visited" by the visitor object. Each object from a collection should implement this abstraction in order to be able to be visited. · ConcreteVisitable - Those classes implements the Visitable interface or class and defines the accept operation. The visitor object is passed to this object using the accept operation. · ObjectStructure - This is a class containing all the objects that can be visited. It offers a mechanism to iterate through all the elements. This structure is not necessarily a collection. In can be a complex structure, such as a composite object. Applicability & Examples The visitor pattern is used when: · Similar operations have to be performed on objects of different types grouped in a structure (a collection or a more complex structure). · There are many distinct and unrelated operations needed to be performed. Visitor pattern allows us to create a separate visitor concrete class for each type of operation and to separate this operation implementation from the objects structure. · The object structure is not likely to be changed but is very probable to have new operations which have to be added. Since the pattern separates the visitor (representing operations, algorithms, behaviors) from the object structure it's very easy to add new visitors as long as the structure remains unchanged. Example 1 - Customers Application. We want to create a reporting module in our application to make statistics about a group of customers. The statistics should made very detailed so all the data related to the customer must be parsed. All the entities involved in this hierarchy must accept a visitor so the CustomerGroup, Customer, Order and Item are visitable objects. In the example we can see the following actors: · IVisitor and IVisitable interfaces · CustomerGroup, Customer, Order and Item are all visitable classes. A CustomerGroup represents a group of customers, each Customer can have one or more orders and each order can have one ore more Items. · GeneralReport is a visitor class and implements the IVisitor interface. ![]() Specific problems and implementation Tight Coupled Visitable objects The classic implementation of the Visitor pattern have a major drawback because the type of visitor methods has to be known in advance. The Visitor interface can be defined using polymorphic methods or methods with different names:
However this type should be known in advance. When a new type is added to the structure a new method should be added to this interface and all existing visitors have to be changed accordingly. A pair method is written in the concrete Visitable objects:
It doesn't really matters if the polymorphic methods with the same name but different signatures are used or not, because in either way the type is known at compile time sot for each new visitable object this method must be implemented accordingly. The main advantage of the fact that new visitors can be easily added is compensated by the fact that the addition of new visitable objects is really hard. Visitor Pattern using Reflection Reflection can be used to overcome the main drawback of the visitor pattern. When the standard implementation of visitor pattern is used the method to invoke is determined at runtime. Reflection is the mechanism used to determine the method to be called at compile-time. This way the visitable object will use the same code in the accept method. This code can be moved in an abstraction so the IVisitable interface will be transformed to an advanced class. Let's take our example. We need to add a new visitable class in our structure, called Product. We should modify the IVisitor interface to add a visitProduct method. But changing an interface is one of the worth things that can be done. Usually, interfaces are extended by lots of classes changing the interface means changing the classes. Maybe we have lots of visitors but we don't want to change all of them, we need only another report. In this case we start from the idea that we should keep the interface unchanged. The solution is to replace the interface with an abstract class and to add an abstract method called defaultVisit. The defaultVisit will be implemented by each new concrete visitor, but the interface and old concrete visitors will remain unchanged. The code is very simple: the visit(Object object) method check if there is visit method for the specific object. If there is not an available visit the call is delegated to the defaultVisit method:
Another point that should be marked is the defaultVisit method: We should visit only classes we know:
Statefull Visitors The visitors objects can be complex objects and can maintain a context during a traversal. Encapsulation of visitable objects The behavior is defined in the visitor itself and the objects structure is represented by visitable objects. The Visitor needs to access data kept by visitable objects so practically the pattern forces to expose from visitable objects the data required in the visitor, using public methods. Visitors and Iterators The iterator pattern and visitor pattern has the same benefit, they are used to traverse object structures. The main difference is that the iterator is intended to be used on collections. Usually collections contain objects of the same type. The visitor pattern can be used on complex structure such as hierarchical structures or composite structures. In this case the accept method of a complex object should call the accept method of all the child objects. Another difference is operation performed on the objects: In one case the visitor defines the operations that should be performed, while the iterator is used by the client to iterate through the objects form a collection and the operations are defined by the client itself. Visitors and Composites The visitor pattern can be used in addition with the composite pattern. The object structure can be a composite structure. In this case in the implementation of the accept method of the composite object the accept methods of the component object has to be invoked. Hot Points: · The visitor pattern is a great way to provide a flexible design for adding new visitors to extend existing functionality without changing existing code · The Visitor pattern comes with a drawback: If a new visitable object is added to the framework structure all the implemented visitors need to be modified. The separation of visitors and visitable is only in one sense: visitors depend of visitable objects while visitable are not dependent of visitors. · Part of the dependency problems can be solved by using reflection with a performance cost. |
Null Object Pattern Motivation There are some cases when a system has to use some functionality and some cases when it doesn't. Let's say we have to implement a class that should send the results to a log file or to the console. But this is just an additional option and the data is logged depending on the configuration values. If there are cases when the client module does not have to log any data then it has to check the configuration parameter in and if block and then to call or not the Logger class. But as we know the 'if' block is not an elegant solution. Intent · Provide an object as a surrogate for the lack of an object of a given type. · The Null Object Pattern provides intelligent do nothing behavior, hiding the details from its collaborators. ![]() Implementation The participants classes in this pattern are: · AbstractClass - defines abstract primitive operations that concrete implementations have to define. · RealClass - a real implementation of the AbstractClass performing some real actions. · NullClass - a implementation which do nothing of the abstract class, in order to provide a non-null object to the client. · Client - the client gets an implementation of the abstract class and uses it. It doesn't really care if the implementation is a null object or an real object since both of them are used in the same way. Applicability & Examples Example: Log System Let's say we need a logging framework in order to support the logging of an application. The framework must fulfill the following requirements: · The destination of the output messages should be selected from a configuration file and it can be one of the following options: Log File, Standard Console or Log Disabled. · Must be open for extension; new logging mechanism can be added without touching the existing code. Specific problems and implementation Null Object and Factory The Null Object design pattern is more likely to be used in conjunction with the Factory pattern. The reason for this is obvious: A Concrete Classes need to be instantiated and then to be served to the client. The client uses the concrete class. The concrete class can be a Real Object or a Null Object. Null Object and Template Method The Template method design pattern need to define an abstract class that define the template and each concrete class implements the steps for the template. If there are cases when sometimes template is called and sometimes not then, in order to avoid the checking a Null Object can be use to implement a Concrete Template that does nothing. Removing old functionality The Null Object can be used to remove old functionality by replacing it with null objects. The big advantage is that the existing code doesn't need to be touched. Conclusion The Null Object Pattern is used to avoid special if blocks for do nothing code, by putting the “do nothing” code in the Null Object which becomes responsible for doing nothing. The client is not aware anymore if the real object or the null object is called so the 'if' section is removed from client implementation. |
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